What's Happening

What’s Happening in Grade 1

First Graders have been working hard on learning routines, making new friends and improving their reading, writing and math skills. 

In English Language Arts, they have been reviewing letter sounds, learning short vowel sounds and practicing blending sounds together as they read.  Their sight word practice is paying off as they use that knowledge to become stronger readers.  They have been working on writing sentences with capitals, finger spaces and punctuation. They have been writing about topics such as their family, things their family likes to do together and telling about their favorite parts of stories.

In Math, they have been learning to count on a numberline, use a hundreds chart and find sums up to 20.  They have practiced their math skills through STMath and have been working toward their goals and helping JiJi climb mountains along the way.


In science, students have been learning how animals care for their young.  Our research has begun with lions, penguins and polar bears.  Through this research students have noticed similarities and differences within the animal families and within their own families.

Socially, students have been working on Second Steps lessons and most recently started lessons on Zones of Regulation to help them identify their emotions and learn strategies to handle the emotions they are having at the moment.