Here’s what’s happening in Grade 2 in Ms. Desvoyaux, Mrs. Patrone, and Mrs. Burke’s classes…
Reading: Using our curriculum Being a Reader, we have recently begun talking about making connections to stories. Making connections helps us not only enjoy a story more, but better understand and remember what is happening. We have discussed different types of connections like text-to-self and text-to-text. Students have also learned about the characteristics of fiction stories, folk tales, strategies readers use, and how to choose “Just Right” books.
Students in Ms. Desvoyaux’s class sharing their text-to-self connections
Writing: In the curriculum Being a Writer, students have learned about how authors get ideas for writing. These include drawing a picture, making a freewheeling sketch, using past life experiences, making a list, and writing a sentence. Students really enjoy sharing their writing and have had many opportunities to read their writing to partners and the class during Author’s Chair.
Students in Ms. Desvoyaux’s class taking a walk around Studley to practice “freewheeling sketches” before writing.
Author’s Chair in Ms. Desvoyaux’s class
Author’s Chair in Mrs. Patrone’s class
Math: In Unit 2 of Everyday Math, students have been learning about different addition strategies. These strategies include doubles, combinations or 10, making-10, and helper doubles. Addition strategies help us add quickly and automatically. Here are some ideas to support math at home:
combinations of 10 (i.e., 0+10, 10+0, 1+9, 9+1, etc.). There are 11 combinations in all. These number combinations are the basis for many things we do in math.
doubles combinations beyond 5 to 20 (i.e., 6+6, 7+7, 8+8, etc.). Many students are fluent with doubles up to 5 but have more difficulty with doubles beyond 5.
money! With a group of mixed coins, students can practice identifying the 4 coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters) by naming them, telling their value, and adding small groups of coins together.
Students Mrs. Patrone’s class expressing their geometry creativity during indoor recess.
“Fishing For 10” and “The Exchange Game” in Ms. Desvoyaux’s Class
Students in Mrs. Burke’s class play Name That Number.
Mrs. Burke’s class working hard on ST Math.
Social Studies / Science: We spent the month of September using Second Step lessons to help students identify feelings, show empathy, and how to solve problems with friends. In October we started our first science unit which was learning about the properties of matter and reversible / irreversible changes. We also started our first unit, Material Magic, in Mystery Science.
Students in Mrs. Patrone’s and Mrs. Burke’s class exploring the different properties of materials used for clothing, such as texture, flexibility, and absorbency. In this Mystery Science activity, students used this information to design and build a hat that protects them from the Sun.
Special Event: Grade 2 was lucky to have a special guest reader visit Studley. Former New England Patriots wide receiver and Super Bowl champion, Malcolm Mitchell visited to read his book titled My Very Favorite Book in the Whole Wide World. Each student received a copy of the book. Students followed along as Malcolm Mitchell with the help of employees from Patriots Subaru read the story aloud. This community outreach event was sponsored by Patriots Subaru of North Attleboro.