Do you know anyone with school age children ready for Kindergarten for next year?
The Attleboro Public Schools is pleased to host Kindergarten Information Night on March 2, 2023. This evening provides information on how to enroll students for Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year. Please share Kindergarten Information Night with neighbors, friends and family! More information can be found on the Welcome Center Website.

SES: Recess fun!

Here is this week's update. Also - after school tutoring is still happening today.

It might be dark outside, but it was surely bright at our Luau! 🌺

SES - Here is this week's update. Remember Friday is an early release. Dismissal is at 12:25PM.

SES - We love to catch kids reading. IDR (individualized daily reading) in action in grade 2.

SES: Third graders had some fun playing “Guess My Rule.” Can you guess what the rule was for these friends?

APS will be testing our alert system for families on Wednesday, December 14 at 10:00 AM. The alert will be sent as a text message to the mobile number that is on file in Aspen. Schools will reach out immediately following the test message for families who do not receive it.

SES: Meet the Staff Monday

SES: Your child's report card has been published to the parent portal in ASPEN.
Go to https://ma-attleboro.myfollett.com to log into the Aspen parent portal. (If you do not know your login credentials, please contact your child's school.)
Click on "Pages" and scroll down to the section titled "Published Reports."
Click on a report to open and view.
Also, APS is currently updating the mobile phone numbers on record so that we can send school cancellations and other urgent notices via text message. While you are logged into ASPEN, we ask that you update your contact information in Aspen using the workflow directions listed here: https://5il.co/1ldxt
If you have multiple students, please complete the workflow for each one. Families who wish to have their child(ren) receive text messaging from the district/school, should provide student cell phone number(s) through this workflow as well.

SES: Love to see our students being creative!

Studley Staff had some fun this morning searching for turkeys! There are still 4 left hiding - who will be the last to discover them?